Top picks this week. Up to 50% off the best selling products.
We act as a sourcing agent in China, UAE and India. Our Sourcing has helped many customers to purchase small-order products at competitive prices. Our company registered in UAE and has successfully been a sourcing agent and indenting agent for the last 13 years, with our agents in Guangzhou, Chennai and Mumbai
Developing and sourcing your products from abroad could be your single most important, cost-effective business strategy in taking your business to the next level. However this invites lot of risks. Its here that MAXMARK steps in therby eliminating these obstacles and enhancing your business success. The company's approach for the product development and sourcing help customers to improve margin and increase brand growth. Development, Planning, Sourcing and Vendor collaboration are the key mantras which helps the company to achieve its target. The company takes measures to ensure "Quality assurance" at all levels. And we offer efficient logistics services.
Definitely we negotiate, Good Communication & Co-ordination is the central key for the very existence of a company. When you choose MAXMARK it saves you form the hassle of multiple point of communication with vendors. You do not have to struggle with the communication barriers of time, distance, human resources, and cultural differences. The forerunners of the company ensures that there is ample of communication between the client and the supplier which is vital in streamlining goals and ensuring unified visions are achieved in a lesser time.
MAXMARK moves on the philosophy of "QUALITY CULTURE". We believe that quality is appreciated as an attribute of the processes engaged in creating the final product. We provide multidisciplinary and comprehensive professional services that enable the clients to succeed across a wide range of goals regardless of quantity. Our technical and commercial quality guidelines are set to high standards. We consistently monitor respective supplier’s performance. Our team supervises the quality assurance and control aspects along the entire process. The company follows a two-tier system to assure that the best reaches out to our prestigious customers. In the first tier, the company ensures that all shortcomings in a product is brought to the notice of the manufacturer and weeded out in the production level itself. Our group of experienced professionals conducts rigorous quality checks at every stage of production. In the second tier, there is a rigorous check to ensure high quality of product.
Our company understand that supply optimization can be attained only through the perfect management of people, place, logistics and time. In order to ensure this synchronization, we have a pool of vast & varied experience and highly skilled experts, with a complete focus on the timely dispatch and delivery of your goods. Our portfolio reflects our commitment, skill, passion and excellent service. Our team of qualified personnel works in complete co-ordination to help, the customers by arranging for cargo consolidation. We make sure that the cargo reaches the respective destination well before the specified time through our freight consolidation services.
We support Air and Sea Cargo From China To UAE and USA : Door To Door with customs Clearance. As an indenting Agent, we book your cargo, arrange pickup,delivery and manage shipping documentation. From China we use Fedex for our USA shipments.
We are partnered with our counter part in China and Dubai to Provide one-station cross-border e-commerce supply chain service for Shopify, amazon, and wish merchants. Our cross-border e-commerce logistic services include Sourcing, order fulfillment, inventory management, value-adding, international shipping, That provides you with one-station solutions so you can reach customers in every corner of the globe but don’t have to expand your company infrastructure.
We manage E-commerce registraion in UAE with appropriate Liscence and we have expert knowledge in Registration with and We support to open a bank account with one of our banking partner ADIB BANK . We prepare everything the government requires: company constitution, local address, initial approval, NOC
We support export based Srilankan companies to reach their priducts to International E-commerce platforms including
We are specialized in international trading, with reliable coordination in UAE and USA
. Our professional staffs have vast experience in pitching products to international e-commerce platforms. Think of us as your hard-working partner in Srilanka when you need access to the best e-commerce market in the world.
As we are partnered with our sister company “BIONUTRI INDIGENOUS MEDECINE AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY PVT LTD.” we are planning to export Srilankan AYURVEDIC & HERBAL based value added products to all over the world in the form of dietary supplement.